$task = mosGetParam ($_GET,"task","view"); * * To get task variable from the URL, select the view like default task, allows HTML and * without trim you can use : * * $task = mosGetParam ($_GET,"task","view",_MOS_NOTRIM+_MOS_ALLOWHTML); * * @acces public * @param array &$arr reference to array which contains the value * @param string $name name of element searched * @param mixed $def default value to use if nothing is founded * @param int $mask mask to select checks that will do it * @return mixed value from the selected element or default value if nothing was found */ function mosGetParam( &$arr, $name, $def=null, $mask=0 ) { if (isset( $arr[$name] )) { if (is_array($arr[$name])) foreach ($arr[$name] as $key=>$element) $result[$key] = mosGetParam ($arr[$name], $key, $def, $mask); else { $result = $arr[$name]; if (!($mask&_MOS_NOTRIM)) $result = trim($result); if (!is_numeric( $result)) { if (!($mask&_MOS_ALLOWHTML)) $result = strip_tags($result); if (!($mask&_MOS_ALLOWRAW)) { if (is_numeric($def)) $result = intval($result); } } if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $result = addslashes( $result ); } } return $result; } else { return $def; } } /** * sets or returns the current side (frontend/backend) * * This function returns TRUE when the user are in the backend area; this is set to * TRUE when are invocated /administrator/index.php, /administrator/index2.php * or /administrator/index3.php, to set this value is not a normal use. * * @access public * @param bool $val value used to set the adminSide value, not planned to be used by users * @return bool TRUE when the user are in backend area, FALSE when are in frontend */ function adminSide($val='') { static $adminside; if (is_null($adminside)) { $adminside = ($val == '') ? 0 : $val; } else { $adminside = ($val == '') ? $adminside : $val; } return $adminside; } /** * sets or returns the index type * * This function returns 1, 2 or 3 depending of called file index.php, index2.php or index3.php. * * @access private * @param int $val value used to set the indexType value, not planned to be used by users * @return int return 1, 2 or 3 depending of called file */ function indexType($val='') { static $indextype; if (is_null($indextype)) { $indextype = ($val == '') ? 1 : $val; } else { $indextype = ($val == '') ? $indextype : $val; } return $indextype; } if (!isset($adminside)) $adminside = 0; if (!isset($indextype)) $indextype = 1; adminSide($adminside); indexType($indextype); $adminside = adminSide(); $indextype = indexType(); $testLanguage = mosGetParam($_REQUEST,'lang',''); if (!empty($testLanguage) && $testLanguage != 'en'){ if (!is_dir(dirname(__FILE__).'/language/'.$testLanguage) ){ $_GET['lang'] = $_POST['lang'] = $_REQUEST['lang'] = $_GLOBALS['lang'] =''; } } require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/database.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/core.classes.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/core.helpers.php'); $configuration =& mamboCore::getMamboCore(); $configuration->handleGlobals(); if (!$adminside) { $urlerror = 0; $sefcode = dirname(__FILE__).'/components/com_sef/sef.php'; if (file_exists($sefcode)) require_once($sefcode); else require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/sef.php'); } $configuration->loadLanguage(); require($configuration->rootPath().'/includes/version.php'); $_VERSION =& new version(); $version = $_VERSION->PRODUCT .' '. $_VERSION->RELEASE .'.'. $_VERSION->DEV_LEVEL .' ' . $_VERSION->DEV_STATUS .' [ '.$_VERSION->CODENAME .' ] '. $_VERSION->RELDATE .' ' . $_VERSION->RELTIME .' '. $_VERSION->RELTZ; if (phpversion() < '4.2.0') require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/includes/compat.php41x.php' ); if (phpversion() < '4.3.0') require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/includes/compat.php42x.php' ); if (phpversion() < '5.0.0') require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/includes/compat.php5xx.php' ); $local_backup_path = $configuration->rootPath().'/administrator/backups'; $media_path = $configuration->rootPath().'/media/'; $image_path = $configuration->rootPath().'/images/stories'; $lang_path = $configuration->rootPath().'/language'; $image_size = 100; $database =& mamboDatabase::getInstance(); // Start NokKaew patch $mosConfig_nok_content=0; if (file_exists( $configuration->rootPath().'components/com_nokkaew/nokkaew.php' ) && !$adminside ) { $mosConfig_nok_content=1; // can also go into the configuration - but this might be overwritten! require_once( $configuration->rootPath()."administrator/components/com_nokkaew/nokkaew.class.php"); require_once( $configuration->rootPath()."components/com_nokkaew/classes/nokkaew.class.php"); } if( $mosConfig_nok_content ) { $database = new mlDatabase( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix ); } if ($mosConfig_nok_content) { $mosConfig_defaultLang = $mosConfig_locale; // Save the default language of the site $iso_client_lang = NokKaew::discoverLanguage( $database ); $_NOKKAEW_MANAGER = new NokKaewManager(); } // end NokKaew Patch $database->debug(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_debug')); /** retrieve some possible request string (or form) arguments */ $type = (int)mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'type', 1); $do_pdf = (int)mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'do_pdf', 0 ); $id = (int)mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ); $task = htmlspecialchars(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'task', '')); $act = strtolower(htmlspecialchars(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'act', ''))); $section = htmlspecialchars(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'section', '')); $no_html = strtolower(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'no_html', '')); $cid = (array) mosGetParam( $_POST, 'cid', array() ); $testOption = mosGetParam($_REQUEST,'option',''); $allowedOptions = array ('login','logout','admin','search', 'categories','simple_mode','advanced_mode'); if (!empty($testOption)){ if (!is_dir($configuration->rootPath().'/components/'.$testOption) && !is_dir($configuration->rootPath().'/administrator/components/'.$testOption) && !in_array($testOption, $allowedOptions) ){ $_GET['option'] = $_POST['option'] = $_REQUEST['option'] = $_GLOBALS['option'] =''; } } ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); /* initialize i18n */ $lang = $configuration->current_language->name; $charset = $configuration->current_language->charset; $gettext =& phpgettext(); $gettext->debug = $configuration->mosConfig_locale_debug; $gettext->has_gettext = $configuration->mosConfig_locale_use_gettext; $language = new mamboLanguage($lang); $gettext->setlocale($lang, $language->getSystemLocale()); $gettext->bindtextdomain($lang, $configuration->rootPath().'/language'); $gettext->bind_textdomain_codeset($lang, $charset); $gettext->textdomain($lang); #$gettext =& phpgettext(); dump($gettext); if ($adminside) { // Start ACL require_once($configuration->rootPath().'/includes/gacl.class.php' ); require_once($configuration->rootPath().'/includes/gacl_api.class.php' ); $acl = new gacl_api(); // Handle special admin side options $option = strtolower(mosGetParam($_REQUEST,'option','com_admin')); $domain = substr($option, 4); session_name(md5(mamboCore::get('mosConfig_live_site'))); mos_session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['initiated'])) { session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['initiated'] = true; } // restore some session variables $my = new mosUser(); $my->getSession(); if (mosSession::validate($my)) { mosSession::purge(); } else { mosSession::purge(); $my = null; } if (!$my AND $option == 'login') { $option='admin'; require_once($configuration->rootPath().'/includes/authenticator.php'); $authenticator =& mamboAuthenticator::getInstance(); $my = $authenticator->loginAdmin($acl); } // Handle the remaining special options elseif ($option == 'logout') { require($configuration->rootPath().'/administrator/logout.php'); exit(); } // We can now create the mainframe object $mainframe =& new mosMainFrame($database, $option, '..', true); // Provided $my is set, we have a valid admin side session and can include remaining code if ($my) { mamboCore::set('currentUser', $my); if ($option == 'simple_mode') $admin_mode = 'on'; elseif ($option == 'advanced_mode') $admin_mode = 'off'; else $admin_mode = mosGetParam($_SESSION, 'simple_editing', ''); $_SESSION['simple_editing'] = mosGetParam($_POST, 'simple_editing', $admin_mode); require_once($configuration->rootPath().'/administrator/includes/admin.php'); require_once( $configuration->rootPath().'/includes/mambo.php' ); require_once ($configuration->rootPath().'/includes/mambofunc.php'); require_once ($configuration->rootPath().'/includes/mamboHTML.php'); require_once( $configuration->rootPath().'/administrator/includes/mosAdminMenus.php'); require_once($configuration->rootPath().'/administrator/includes/admin.php'); require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/includes/cmtclasses.php' ); require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/components/com_content/content.class.php' ); $_MAMBOTS =& mosMambotHandler::getInstance(); // If no_html is set, we avoid starting the template, and go straight to the component if ($no_html) { if ($path = $mainframe->getPath( "admin" )) require $path; exit(); } $configuration->initGzip(); // When adminside = 3 we assume that HTML is being explicitly written and do nothing more if ($adminside != 3) { $path = $configuration->rootPath().'/administrator/templates/'.$mainframe->getTemplate().'/index.php'; require_once($path); $configuration->doGzip(); } else { if (!isset($popup)) { $pop = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'pop', ''); $pathPopup = $configuration->rootPath()."/administrator/popups/$pop"; if (strpos($pop,'..') === false && file_exists($pathPopup) && $pop) { require($pathPopup); } else { require($configuration->rootPath()."/administrator/popups/index3pop.php"); } $configuration->doGzip(); } } } // If $my was not set, the only possibility is to offer a login screen else { $configuration->initGzip(); $path = $configuration->rootPath().'/administrator/templates/'.$mainframe->getTemplate().'/login.php'; require_once( $path ); $configuration->doGzip(); } } // Finished admin side; the rest is user side code: else { $option = $configuration->determineOptionAndItemid(); $Itemid = $configuration->get('Itemid'); $mainframe =& new mosMainFrame($database, $option, '.'); if ($option == 'login') $configuration->handleLogin(); elseif ($option == 'logout') $configuration->handleLogout(); $session =& mosSession::getCurrent(); $my =& new mosUser(); $my->getSessionData(); mamboCore::set('currentUser',$my); $configuration->offlineCheck($my, $database); $gid = intval( $my->gid ); // gets template for page $cur_template = $mainframe->getTemplate(); require_once( $configuration->rootPath().'/includes/frontend.php' ); require_once( $configuration->rootPath().'/includes/mambo.php' ); require_once ($configuration->rootPath().'/includes/mambofunc.php'); require_once ($configuration->rootPath().'/includes/mamboHTML.php'); if ($indextype == 2 AND $do_pdf == 1 ) { include_once('includes/pdf.php'); exit(); } /** detect first visit */ $mainframe->detect(); /** @global mosPlugin $_MAMBOTS */ $_MAMBOTS =& mosMambotHandler::getInstance(); require_once( $configuration->rootPath().'/editor/editor.php' ); require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/includes/gacl.class.php' ); require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/includes/gacl_api.class.php' ); require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/components/com_content/content.class.php' ); require_once( $configuration->rootPath() . '/includes/cmtclasses.php' ); $acl = new gacl_api(); /** Load system start mambot for 3pd **/ $_MAMBOTS->loadBotGroup('system'); $_MAMBOTS->trigger('onAfterStart'); /** Get the component handler */ $c_handler =& mosComponentHandler::getInstance(); $c_handler->startBuffer(); if (!$urlerror AND $path = $mainframe->getPath( 'front' )) { $menuhandler =& mosMenuHandler::getInstance(); $ret = $menuhandler->menuCheck($Itemid, $option, $task, $my->getAccessGid()); $menuhandler->setPathway($Itemid); if ($ret) { require ($path); } else mosNotAuth(); } else { header ('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); $mainframe->setPageTitle(T_('404 Error - page not found')); include ($configuration->rootPath().'/page404.php'); } $c_handler->endBuffer(); /** cache modules output**/ $m_handler =& mosModuleHandler::getInstance(); $m_handler->initBuffers(); /** load html helpers **/ $html =& mosHtmlHelper::getInstance(); $configuration->initGzip(); $configuration->standardHeaders(); if (mosGetParam($_GET, 'syndstyle', '') == 'yes') { mosMainBody(); } else { if ($indextype == 2) { if ( $no_html == 0 ) { $html->render('xmlprologue'); $html->render('doctype'); ?> render('css'); $html->render('charset'); $html->renderMeta('robots', 'noindex, nofollow'); ?>
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